Frequently Asked Questions - Visitors
Q: Where are you located?
A: Our office & mailing address is at 75-5737 Kuakini Hwy #202 Kailua Kona, HI 96740. Some events take place at other locations.
Q: Is there an Eiruv on the Big island or at my Hotel?
A: None that we are aware of.
Q: Does Chabad host Shabbat and Chag meals for us to join?
A: Please contact us for options
Q: Can Chabad host us for sleeping on Shabbat or the duration of our stay?
A: For Shabbat accommodations, please reach out to us.
We currently don't have accommodations for during the week.
Q: Is there a place we can stay in Kona?
A: Yes! Click here.
Q: Where do we find kosher food, Challah and grape juice?
A: Please contact us
Q: Where can we buy Fish?
A: Costco has fresh and frozen salmon, Kona Seafood Market and other stores have other kosher fish. Halachickly one has to observe scales (skin on) to verify that a fish is kosher. One cannot rely on the name, packaging, or what the seller says, because many fish are mislabeled intentionally or unintentionally. Scales are only kosher if they come off easily when scraping against them. If it tears the skin to get the scales off, they are not Halachickly scales.
Only salmon doesn't require skin on because no non-kosher fish looks like salmon.
For all fish ideally whole is better, but if it's cut one can rinse it.
Q: Do you get a Minyan?
A: We have Davening together Friday night, Shabbat morning, and on all the Chagim, & we get a Minyan most of the time. During Yeshiva break we will usually get a daily Minyan, & sometimes in the Waikoloa Area too. If you are interested in Minyan, please reach out with your dates and how many you have for Minyan.
Q: Can you Kasher the Kitchen of our rental?
A: Yes, please contact us with the information. The fee ranges from $500-1,000 depending on the complexity.
Q: How can I donate my Hawaiian Miles?
A: Email us at [email protected] and we can guide you through the simple and free process.